COVID-19 Pandemic Outbreak; Critical Review on the Effectiveness of Social Quarantine as Preventive Public Health Measure
Social Quarantine as Preventive Public Health Measure
COVID-19, pandemic threat, prospective therapeutics, social quarantineAbstract
The emergence of novel coronavirus diseases (COVID-19) poses a global threat to public health security. The infectious disease was first identified in Wuhan, China and spread rapidly to multiple countries all over the globe. Gradually, this pandemic caused the casualties of people who have been exposed to the infected virus. Different countries have implemented several interventions to mitigate the human-to-human transmission of this disease including travel restrictions, setting up isolation centers, clinical therapeutics, lockdowns, and social quarantine. The study sheds light on the critical aspects of social quarantine preventive intervention to avoid the spread of COVID-19. The lessons learned from the current pandemic can help the future preparedness and response plan to combat the progression of the disease. Although the scientific basis of social distancing might be effective and robust, however, the implementation of social quarantine will result in several repercussions. The wake of the coronavirus pandemic becomes a serious concern for public health that shut down the workplace or any business activity. In this situation, the governments must combat the coronavirus disease and take steps to improve the economic condition of the country. Special attention must be paid to the most disadvantaged and vulnerable populations such as the disabled, older population, homeless and poor populations to lessen the risks of coronavirus disease. Policymakers must ensure transparency in communication and provide evidence-based interventions to tackle the worse situation. In the hour of need, the countries must coordinate their effort to develop antivirals and vaccines for the treatment of the infectious fatal disease. All countries must use print, electronic and social media wisely and they must be coordinated and provide education and social awareness among citizenry regarding how to avoid being infected by coronavirus.
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