ISSN (Print): 2791-0784
ISSN (Online): 2791-0792
The Journal follows a double-blind peer review process in which neither the authors nor the reviewers know each other’s details. The submitted manuscripts will be reviewed for originality, scientific significance, and adequacy of documentation. Further, reviewers are also required to disclose any conflict of interest regarding the manuscripts they will review. In case of any serious conflict of interest, another reviewer of the same discipline will be chosen for the review. Authors are required to submit a complete list of byline authors, their affiliations, and contact details in a separate file along with the manuscript file. All the manuscripts submitted will be initially scrutinized within a week for completeness and formatting by the editorial staff. The manuscripts not prepared according to the instructions will be returned to the authors for any corrections/modifications before sending them for peer review.
While manuscripts prepared according to the prescribed guidelines will be sent for peer review to at least two independent subject experts. The manuscripts will be accepted or rejected or sent for modifications according to the reviewers’ recommendations. In case of a difference of opinion among both subject experts, the manuscript will be sent to a third reviewer. All parts of accepted manuscripts are subject to editing for scientific accuracy and clarity by the office of the Editor. The manuscripts will undergo copyediting (including modifications in the text, table, figures, etc.) and layout formatting by the editorial staff. Final articles will be sent to the corresponding authors for proofreading and acceptance of changes made by the editorial staff. The names of the reviewers will be strictly kept confidential and will not be disclosed at any point. Reviewers are expected to keep the scientific data strictly confidential and shall not keep its record or share it will any other colleague. Reviewers must also not use/quote data from the manuscript under review before its publication.
ISSN (Print): 2791-0784
ISSN (Online): 2791-0792