Effects of Static and Dynamic Stretching on Sprinting Ability of Volleyball Players

Effects of Stretching in Volleyball Players


  • Maryam Nadeem Physiogic Clinic
  • Halima Shoukat Government College University, Faisalabad, Pakistan
  • Asma Azam Rehab Cure, Lahore, Pakistan
  • Hira Jabeen Riphah International University, Lahore, Pakistan




dynamic stretching, performance, sprint, static stretching, volleyball


Background: The main aim of an athlete is to improve performance that depends on various parameters including warm-up practices and workout routines. Warm-up before training is vital to prepare the athlete for an upcoming event, prevent injury and optimal performance. Commonly stretching is performed in warm-up sessions considered to be important for joint flexibility. Objective: To investigate the effects of dynamic and static stretching on sprinting ability of volleyball players. Methods: This randomized controlled trial is conducted at Pakistan Sports Board and Coaching Centre, Lahore. All volleyball players practicing three or more times a week, age group 15 to 30 years and having one year of experience were included in the study whereas athletes with any musculoskeletal injuries, systemic illness, abnormal biomechanics or recent surgery were excluded. Participants were randomly allocated into two groups; Group A performed dynamic stretching and Group B did static stretching exercises thrice weekly. Participants of both groups followed their regular warm-up regime and nutrition plans and the exercise protocol of the group was allocated for the time duration of six weeks. All participants undergo pre and post-treatment tests via the running anaerobic sprint test and counter-movement jump tests. Data were analyzed using version 26.0, and frequency and percentages were calculated. The between-group and within-group differences were estimated. The p-value ≤0.005 was considered significant. Results: Anaerobic capacity for the pre and post-intervention were calculated separately for both groups (p-value<0.005). JH calculation for the pre and post-values for groups A and B have the p-value calculated as p<0.005. The group analysis for AC and JH showed a p-value of p>0.05. Conclusion: It is concluded that both stretching regimes that are static stretching and dynamic stretching can be used in warm-up practices for improving sprinting anaerobic capacity and explosive strength of the players but there were no significant differences between the groups.


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How to Cite

Nadeem, M., Shoukat, H., Azam, A., & Jabeen, H. (2023). Effects of Static and Dynamic Stretching on Sprinting Ability of Volleyball Players: Effects of Stretching in Volleyball Players. The Healer Journal of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Sciences, 3(5), 518–523. https://doi.org/10.55735/hjprs.v3i5.154



