Effects of Multimodal High-intensity Interval Training on Speed, Agility and Performance Level among Cricket Players
Multimodal High-intensity Interval Training in Cricket Players
Agility, Interval training, Performance, Speed, Cricket playersAbstract
Background: Multimodal high-intensity interval training emerges as a popular training method that combines aerobic and resistance training throughout a single exercise session for improving the lower body exercise capacity in professional cricket players. Objective: To determine the effects of this multimodal training on speed, agility and performance levels among cricket players. Methodology: The Pakistan Sports Board, Pakistan Cricket Board, and many cricket academies in Lahore conducted this randomized controlled experiment. Two groups of subjects were selected at random; one group underwent multimodal high-intensity interval training, while the other group received traditional training in six weeks. Before and during the intervention, the athletes’ subjective performance scale, agility t-test, and speed test results were evaluated. A summary of the group measures taken throughout time was displayed using frequency tables, pie charts, and bar charts. A paired sample t-test was used for the speed test score and agility t-test score. The Wilcoxon test was used for subjective sports performance satisfaction. An independent t-test was performed to compare the groups' analyses of speed test scores and agility test scores. Mann-Whitney U test was used for group analyses of subjective sports performance satisfaction. Results: Improvement in subjective sports performance satisfaction scale (p=.000), agility t-test (p=.000), and speed test (p=.000) was observed in multimodal training. Improvement in subjective sports performance satisfaction scale (p=.000), agility t-test (p=.000), and speed test (p=.000) were observed in conventional training. Multimodal training significantly improved outcome measures in comparison to conventional HIIT i.e. improved subjective sports performance satisfaction scale (p=.014), agility t-test (p=.013), and speed test (p=.015). Conclusion: The study concluded that the multimodal high-intensity interval training group was found more effective in improving subjective Sports Performance Satisfaction scale, agility t-test, and speed test than conventional HIIT in cricket players.
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