Effects of Cervical Spine Mobilization on Autonomic Function in Individuals with Forward Head Posture
Cervical Spine Mobilization in Individuals with Forward Head Posture
Cervical mobilization, Forward head posture, Blood pressure,, Pulse rate, Respiratory RateAbstract
Background: Forward head posture is a prevalent postural issue associated with several systemic effects, such as reduced respiratory capacity and altered cardiovascular function. Objective: This study examines the impact of cervical spine mobilization on the parasympathetic nervous system in individuals with FHP. Methodology: This descriptive cross-sectional survey was conducted at SUIT, Peshawar in the Department of Physical Therapy. The study was conducted over 6 months on 98 Doctor of Physical Therapy Students. Non-probability convenience sampling technique was used to enroll students of DPT program in 6th, 8th, and 10th semesters at SUIT, Peshawar. After obtaining approval from the university's ethical committee, the consent for participation was secured. Data was collected using a questionnaire that included demographic information filled out by each participant. The osteoporosis knowledge assessment tool was employed, consisting of 20 questions with options for true, false, or don’t know. The analysis included demographic data based on age, gender, and semester of the participants, and results were presented in tables and graphs. Results: Participants had a mean age of 33.23±9.05 years, with 63.7% being male. Before mobilization, blood pressure was classified into three groups: 35.4% of participants had systolic BP between 100-120 mmHg, 38.1% had BP between 120-130 mmHg, and 26.5% had BP above 130 mmHg. Pulse rate ranged
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