Frequency of Meralgia Paresthetica during Third Trimester of Pregnancy: Cross-sectional Study
Meralgia Paresthetica during Pregnancy
third trimester, meralgia paresthetica, mononeuropathy, pregnancyAbstract
Background: Meralgia paresthetica is one of the most common painful mononeuropathy among pregnant females, characterized by pain sensation on the anterolateral aspect of the thigh. It is the entrapment of lateral femoral cutaneous nerve, which causes a tingling and burning type sensation in the area undersupplied by this nerve. Objective: To determine the frequency of meralgia paresthetica during the third trimester of pregancy. Methods: This descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted at Gurkhi Trust Teaching Hospital and Jinnah Hospital Lahore between June to December 2020 after receiving permission from the Ethics Committee of Lahore College of Physical Therapy. The sample size of 63 patients was calculated through the WHO calculator. These patients were enrolled in the study through non-probability convenient sampling. Females who were in their third trimester and had a complaint of discomfort around the hip and thigh were included in the study. Furthermore, females who reported a history of lumbar spine and groin surgery, chronic back pain, traumatic injury of hip joint, fracture, and dislocation were excluded from the study. A written and verbal consent was taken from each patient and a detailed questionnaire was filled. The questionnaire included demographic variables like age and body mass index, neuropathic pain scale and pelvic compression test. Data was analyzed by using SPSS version 26 and results were described in frequency and percentage. Results: Out of 63 participants total discriminant function scale was in the neuropathic range in 14(22.2%) participants. The total score was in the neuropathic range in 15(76.3%) and non-neuropathic range in 48(76.2%) participants. Out of 63 participants pelvic compression test was positive in 15(23.8%) and negative in 48(76.2%) participants. Overall results showed that out of 63 participants, 13 were those who had total discriminant function scale and total score in the neuropathic range along with a positive pelvic compression test showing the frequency of meralgia paresthetica to be 20.63% in pregnant females during their third trimester. Conclusion: This study concluded that the frequency of meralgia paresthetica is low in females during their third trimester of pregnancy.
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