Effective Leadership in Healthcare Professions: an Overview of Challenges and Solutions in Pakistan

Effective Leadership in Healthcare Professions


  • Roohi Abbas Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, Superior University, Lahore, Pakistan
  • Saleh Shah Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, Superior University, Lahore, Pakistan
  • Salima Diwan Saida Waheed College of Nursing, Fatima Memorial Hospital, Lahore, Pakistan
  • Amna Ashraf Fatima Memorial Hospital, Lahore, Pakistan
  • Rohama Ameer Riphah International University, Lahore, Pakistan
  • Moha Akram Khan 5Department of Diet and Nutrition Sciences, Rashid Latif Khan University, Lahore, Pakistan




Leadership styles, Leadership in physical therapy, Challenges to leadership


Strong and effective leadership, particularly in physical therapy, is the most important yet neglected in healthcare professions. Being physical therapists, we are unaware of the prospects related to leadership and the crucial role that it plays in the sustenance, dignity, and recognition of our profession of physical therapy. This review aims to narrate the effective leadership in healthcare professions to tackle challenges and their solutions. A narrative review was done by electronic searching from PubMed, Google Scholar, Science Direct, and Cochrane Library and the latest evidence was incorporated to foster our findings regarding the crucial role of effective leadership and its various aspects. Partly due to insufficient curriculum guide on leadership and management, and partly attributable to lack of formal leadership programs we remain deficient in the personnel or leaders in physical therapy that can drive the profession efficiently by playing their part in decision-making processes for policy development, implementation, and coping up with the challenges to this ever-growing, demanding and changing field of healthcare. Emphasis should be given to this top-level position and the whole hierarchy of management and professionals to ascertain the success of any organization which in our context is the field of physical therapy. There is a dire need to endow and uphold the programs that aim at developing clinical and academic leadership in physical therapists, to strengthen their position and role in making reforms, policy-making/implementation, budgeting, financing, and employability in their respective organizations, and for the prosperity of physical therapy as a profession. Comprehensive exploratory research is needed in our settings to not only explore the leadership styles of Doctor of Physical Therapy program directors and clinicians but also to develop a consensus on leadership competencies in the physical therapy profession in Pakistan.


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How to Cite

Abbas, R., Shah, S., Diwan, S., Ashraf, A., Ameer, R., & Khan, M. A. (2024). Effective Leadership in Healthcare Professions: an Overview of Challenges and Solutions in Pakistan: Effective Leadership in Healthcare Professions. The Healer Journal of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Sciences, 4(4), 13–18. https://doi.org/10.55735/hjprs.v4i4.309



