Exercise Adherence and Factors Affecting Adherence to Home Exercise Program in Patients with Supraspinatus Tendonitis; A Cross-sectional Analytical Study
Adherence to Home Exercise Program in Supraspinatus Tendonitis
exercise adherence rating scale, home exercise program, supraspinatus tendonitisAbstract
Background: Adherence has been defined as the act or quality of sticking to something and the most least controllable and most unpredictable variables in a medical intervention. In physiotherapy treatment, adherence is dominant to the successful of the exercise-based treatment. It has been envisioned that by identifying the barriers of the treatment adherence, the caregivers might be able to develop and suggest new methods to enhance and promote adherence to prescribed exercises for patients with supraspinatus tendonitis. Objective: To determine the exercise adherence of patients with supraspinatus tendonitis and factors affecting the exercise adherence to a home exercise program. Methods: Our current is study is a cross- sectional analytical study. The data for our study was collected from the Department of physical therapy, Bahawalpur Victoria Hospital and Agile rehabilitation Complex, Bahawalpur, Pakistan. The sample size of our current study was calculated to be 200 by considering 10% response rate and 90% confidence interval. The data for our study was collected employing Exercise Adherence Rating Scale. The data was calculated and analyzed by employing statistical package for social sciences version 23. Correlation was calculated by employing chi- square for adherence. Results: The results of our study showed that 91 participants out of 200 had good exercise adherence attribute and 109 participants showed poor exercise adherence which was found out by employing Exercise Adherence Rating Scale. The chi- square test was applied for determining the association between exercise adherence and factors affecting it. Conclusion: Our current study concludes that there are certain factors which affect the exercise adherence to home exercise program of patients suffering with supraspinatus tendonitis. Improvement in health and physical functioning, self – motivation, encouragement from family and social support from friends and family were recognized as the major factors associated with an improved exercise adherence. Fatigue, lack of time and motivation, pain and difficulty in comprehending the exercise program were recognized as the main barriers to adherence to exercise program.
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DOI: 10.1055/s-0035-1567153

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