Effects of Salah Postures on Balance in Geriatric Population; A Descriptive Study
Salah Postures and Balance in Geriatric Population
base of support, Berg balance scale, centre of mass, salah posturesAbstract
Background: Salah (performing namaz) by Muslims has 119 postures which are performed in one day and these postures require a stable balance to be maintained. Postures involved in Salah aid in the rehabilitation process in patients with neurological deficits and musculoskeletal impairments and have a good impact on the human brain as they aid in the activation of the peripheral nervous system and provide relaxation. Objective: To determine the effects of the postures of Salah on balance in the Geriatric Population. Moreover to focus on therapeutic benefits observed with performing various postures of Salah. Methods: Written and informed consent was taken from all the participants. Data was collected by employing a questionnaire that was distributed among the participants and was filled and then participants were tested for balance performance and were checked whether performing Salah had a significant role in maintaining balance or not. Participants were asked about their regularity of performing Salah, the regularity of their Salah, position of performing Salah, the presence of feelings of dizziness or any other symptoms by changing Salah postures and feelings of any difficulty in offering prayers. The Berg Balance Scale was employed for scoring balance. The p-value of 0.05 was considered significant. The Chi-Square test was used to determine the association between various variables involved in this current. Results are represented in the form of percentage tables, bar graphs and pie charts. Results: The results of our study showed us that there was statistically significant improved balance in the people who perform regular Salah and practice Salah postures correctly. 59.3% were females and 40.7% were male recruited in this study. The mean Berg Balance score was found to be 45.6 out of 56±11.7. Conclusion: This current study concluded a significant association between Salah posture and balance among elderly people There is a significant association between the mean of Berg balance score and the frequency of performing Salah per day by the participants. This study concludes that regular practice of Salah postures might aid in maintaining balance and aid in maintaining a good posture.
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